Flight Rising is Fun

I spend most of my time onsite in the coli these days. It means plenty of food and drops to sell for premium currency, but I want to get back into interacting on the forums.

Pinkerlockes and other Challenges"

I have FR: a personal thread I'm keeping my challenges on, but I should probably make a page for it here at some point.

Past Challenges:

Battle of the Buds - Tumblr Only. I drew a ton of art for this run and had a lot of fun. When I have a gallery here , a section of it will be devoted to it and I'll link that here.
Besides art though, the run itself kind of got away from me, probably because I got into it with no plan for the ending. I ended increasing the difficulty more and more to end it for me.

Current Challenges:

FR: Banescale Breed Out the Basic - I like Banes but don't have many. I adore Wraith though, and am working my way through the genes to breed a drake with Wraith the hard way.

Future Planned Challenges:

A Jon Snowo style Pinkerlocke: I adore Helcaraxe(Formerly Jon Snowo)'s old FR: Night's Watch run. The way generations of drakes live together, always on the edge of death is so interesting and fun. A lot of my attachment to this run could all be Hexacre's fun writing though. I wanna tweak their rules a bit, and need to think of a good premise since I am not in the middle of the dragon Antarctica.

I'm fairly certain this run predates fodderlockes, and in many ways it is a fodderlocke/pinkerlocke hybrid. The lack of coli risk being replaced with sheer random chance is interesting, and definitiely is something I want to try.

Other Projects:


FR: Clan Profile
FR: Nature's IF Fodder Farm